Anatomy of Cancer

 Cancer occurs when the body's standard control mechanisms fail to regulate cell growth. Old or damaged cells are supposed to die, and new cells take their place. However, in cancer, damaged cells live on and divide uncontrollably.

These extra cells usually form a tumor (abnormal growth) mass that can invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body. Not all tumors are cancerous. Benign tumors do not grow and spread the way cancerous tumors do. However, they can still be dangerous if they press on vital organs, such as the brain.

There are four main types of cancer: carcinomas, sarcomas, lymphomas, and leukemia.


Carcinomas are cancers that start in the skin or tissue that covers the surface of internal organs and glands. They are by far the most common type of cancer. The three most common carcinomas are lung, breast, and colorectal cancer.


Sarcomas are cancers that start in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective tissue. The two most common types of sarcomas are osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and liposarcoma (fat cancer).


Lymphomas are cancers of the lymph nodes and the lymphatic system. Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are the two main types of lymphomas.


Leukemias are cancers of the blood cells. The four main types of leukemias are acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, and chronic myeloid leukemia.

Cancer begins when normal cells in the body change and grow out of control. These changes may be due to the effects of cancer-causing substances called carcinogens. Substances that can cause cancer include tobacco smoke, radiation, chemicals in food, and viruses.

Cancer cells differ from normal cells in several important ways. They divide more often; they do not die when they are supposed to and do not respond to signals that stop cell division. Cancer cells can invade nearby tissues and spread to other body parts. The spread of cancer is called metastasis.


Anatomy of Cancer

M. Lederman

If you have cancer, it is essential to remember that you are not alone. Millions of people are living with cancer, and a lot of support is available. Talk to your doctor, family, and friends about your diagnosis and treatment options.

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Cancer Cell Treatment